Pentekostal spiritualitet, økoteologi og miljøengasjement


Pentecostal-Charismatic spirituality
environmental engagement
sustainable lifestyle
political theology
creation care

How to Cite

Tangen, K. I. (2020). Pentekostal spiritualitet, økoteologi og miljøengasjement: Et bidrag til utvikling av en pentekostal og karismatisk spiritualitet som kan integrere elementer av økoteologi og miljøetikk. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership and Theology, 7.


Pentecostal spirituality, eco-theology and environmental engagement: A contrition to the development of a Pentecostal spirituality that integrates eco-theology and environmental ethics.

This article identifies resources and problems in the Pentecostal-Charismatic tradition concerning environmental action and engagement. The purpose is to motivate Pentecostal and Charismatic churches to reflect on how they should respond as the world faces the prospect of an ecological crisis. The study begins by identifying a core narrative in the Pentecostal-Charismatic tradition. This core narrative is used as a hermeneutical key to interpret eco-theological elements in the biblical story of creation, fall, redemption, and final consummation. The study also discusses common objections towards eco-theology among Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians. These objections include the fear of an alternative or eco-centric spirituality, the implications of different forms of eschatology, and how Pentecostal and charismatic Christians understand their being in the world with regard to both evangelism and politics. The article argues that Pentecostal and Charismatic churches have spiritual resources that may empower them to transcend an anthropocentric worldview and develop a visionary virtue-ethic that may guide and enable a sustainable lifestyle and constructive environmental engagement. The article concludes by identifying seven themes that may encourage constructive action-reflection and stimulate further research.


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