Healing and Preaching


kingdom of God
eschatological perspective
legitimizing perspective
medical science
systematic theology

How to Cite

Andersen, Øyvind G. (2020). Healing and Preaching: The eschatological and legitimizing perspectives on healing constitute a unity that has important implications for the Church. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership and Theology, 7. https://doi.org/10.53311/sjlt.v7.47


According to the Pentecostal tradition, miraculous or extraordinary healings confirm the Word being preached. There is, however, an on-going theological debate concerning how this understanding should be viewed in light of modern medical science. This article argues that a discussion of this issue should begin with an analysis of what the biblical texts say about healing. Its purpose is to contribute to laying a biblical groundwork for a further systematic theological discussion of the subject. This article explores the view of healing in relation to preaching in the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. Using Helge Kjær Nielsen’s doctoral dissertation as a dialogue partner, this article distinguishes between an eschatological and a legitimizing understanding of healing. It argues that both perspectives are prevalent in Luke and Acts. The eschatological understanding sees healing as a manifestation of the kingdom of God, and the legitimizing understanding views healing as a confirmation of the message being preached. This article maintains that these two perspectives belong together in an essential unity and that both are needed for a biblical view of healing. The last part of this article briefly reflects on the implications this observation has for the healing ministry of the church today in terms of the eschatological as well as the legitimizing aspects. Both aspects require further research.



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