Faith-based organizations and professional development: A case for practical theology?
The question discussed in this article is: “in what ways can perspectives from practical theology contribute to the study of professional development within faith-based organizations? To an swer this question, I present my critical reading of the report, När tilliten prövas: En studie av studieförbundet Ibn Rushd samhällsbidrag (2019) and the results are analyzed utilizing per spectives from practical theology. My method is theory-testing critical reading where I search for and present concepts in the report concerning 1) What is said of religion in the relationship between religion and society in the report? 2) Which perspectives are raised in the report con cerning stakeholders, staff, and visitors/participants behavior? Finally, using perspectives from practical theology, I outline two answers addressing what professional development in faith based organizations is and how practical theology can contribute in this field. Firstly, I propose that professional development in faith-based professions occurs when one’s own and other’s expression of intentional religion is perceived as one of many positive assets from the onset. Practical theology has the resources to both study and develop knowledge in these processes. Secondly, I claim that practical theology has resources to identify and utilize lessons learned from other professions with clear religious identities. Their experiences should be of interest for actors dealing with similar challenges and for society in general. Professional development in faith-based organizations is a case for practical theology.
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